I have the power to start the process of self-healing!

It is interesting how the pyramid works on mental processes: after a séance it is easier to think clearly, make decisions faster, negative thoughts are gone and instead of them you are filled with quality waves of thinking. Those who tested the Pyramid were amazed and are not missing their treatments. Under the Pyramid all you have to do is fill yourself with positive thoughts and those witl illnesses should focus on getting better.”


I have the power to start the process of self-healing!

In the institute for esotericism and parapsychology, Ruben is teaching patients how to activate their defensive mechanisms and how to heal themselves. Likewise, he reveals the three deadliest enemies that cause illness.

Armenian Ruben Papian, famous practitioner of esotericism and parapsychology, lives in Holland but can be seen in Serbia very often. He studied architecture, economics, medicine, fine arts and all those knowledge’s enriched his natural talent for esotericism that he discovered in early youth.

Ruben is the founder of Institute for Esotery and Parapsychology in Belgrade where he shows his practices and expertise in the area of energy therapy, parapsychology, mental correction, communication, mental hygiene and other esoteric sciences. He is very successful in bringing the gap and connecting official and classic science with alternative, all in the goal of enriching and increasing the quality of life and health of people.

Alongside the institute there is Ruben’s club of esotericism whose members are people with similar interests and who gather and socialize with each other as well as exchange their experiences, knowledge and share their opinions and information.

Ruben Papian comes from an old and renowned Armenian family whose members are descendants of tsar Papa who lived in the seventh century. His grandfather drove a car in the time when such a machine was a rarity on the streets, second grandfather was a government president in the time of Stalin, and his mother and father are famous architects. His genetic potential, ability for relations between real and surreal, Ruben upgraded with his education. He considers that, no matter the talent, eighty percent of his success comes from work.

– “In parapsychology and, in general, in esotericism, people often want to impress others and that is why they became nothing but slaves of fame. If you don’t set yourself straight and just think about money, you are losing”, said Ruben who is, thanks to his qualities and relation toward the world, an advisor to famous politicians and economists. “There is no room for error with such clients – one mistake and it’s over”, claims our interlocutor.

Personality harmonization

About his school for personality harmonization Golden Staircase ( “Zlatne Stepenice” ), parapsychologist Ruben says: “It’s a built system of special exercises whose application significantly influences mental functions and potentials, controls sense sensitivities, enables clear analysis of personal decisions, maintenance of memory and enhances concentration. That system of exercises brings you to unity with yourself and those around you.


Those who think they are not dealing properly with all situations in their life, have a sense of blockade by numerous prejudices, misconceptions and lies visit this school. Those who are uncertain or can’t distinguish lies from truth, those that are not using their energy rationally as well as those who didn’t make a balance between their possibilities and wishes.


There are also those who wish to learn something new from the world of energy therapy and esotericism without spending half of their life reading boring and often unprofessional and useless literature. This school deals with everything in levels or rather stairs – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, teal and purple that is called “life” and represents basic harmonization of the whole personality after which a person gets a possibility to specialize in one of esoteric areas”.

Meet yourself

On the same university there is also a school of energy therapy whose slogan is “trade in arms” and one of our courses there is dream study. Some systems, for example, can only be accessed with a key or password and that goes for dreams as well, they are translated and understood through their passwords. The institute is organizing courses of mental correction and communication, which these days is, especially on job positions, very important and as important as in social life. Courses are nothing near your every day boring teachings. Themes that are processed have always been interesting to a lot of people: time, space, thoughts, emotions, destiny, dreams, telepathy, intuition, faith…”.

Ruben claims that even uneducated and unqualified parapsychologist and esotery practitioners can use placebo effect to help people but the trick is that as much as they can help someone, they can also do harm. Ruben is convinced that all the theories about constant repeating “I believe, I believe” that are supposed to bring our wishes closer to reality, are in fact nothing without acquiring self balance. Communication with us by us is very important and his school is giving great significance to this.

Three human enemies

According to Papian, every person has three enemies – past life, fear and thoughts.

People often live in the past but life goes on. Those persons often turn “here and now” into past and in that past lives a main actor of a personal movie that nobody values.”

The second enemy is fear or better yet, fear of fear.

Fear builds tension because of scenarios that never happened and might never happen but such fear creates emotional strain”, says Ruben immediately pointing out that our worst enemy yet, are our thoughts.

Thoughts are not supposed to be “molded” but appropriate to object, subject and result you want to achieve. People have a certain belief that the more you think, the smarter you get. That is not true! It is important for thoughts to exist in that measure where they can be realized. I advise people to respect themselves because egoism, unless exaggerated, can be a positive thing. Another thing is that people shouldn’t believe anyone first hand about something they are personally not involved with – me neither. We are all just people no matter how much we are dealing with esotery and the otherworldly. I say this to everyone – this is my opinion and that doesn’t mean it has to be yours. All I ask is for you to evaluate it, see what I offer and see everything for yourself. My clients and students know all this”.

Rubens Teas

For over seven years our market had access to a group of wondrous teas that are used as diabetic addition to food. They are made following recipes by famous Ruben Papian and controlled by P.M.C.C.I. laboratory in Holland. Teas are a mixture of our domestic curative plants from ecologically clean terrain of Sokobanja. They have high natural energy potential and EU certificate which ensures that they are of organic origin and belong in the first class category.

The Eurolandia Company manufactures Ruben’s teas from Belgrade while they are categorized and tested by Institute of Sanitary Chemistry in Belgrade.

Energy shower

Special interest is always gathered around Rubens Pyramid, bio-energetics machine that relieves people from rheumatic issues, irritability, harmonic problems, migraines, depressive states, colds, virus infections and so forth.

My first Pyramid was tested in Holland and the project became famous and succeeded. That is why I made another in Belgrade”, Ruben said.

Under the pyramid you need fifteen minutes for your organism to release piles of built up stress and bring your body into balance. Your body also regenerates, circulation speeds up, metabolism is normalized, immune system becomes stronger and all this brings youth to your organism.

It is interesting how the pyramid works on mental processes: after a séance it is easier to think clearly, bring decisions faster, negative thoughts are gone and instead of them you are filled with quality waves of thinking. Those who tested the Pyramid were amazed and are not missing their treatments. Under the Pyramid all you have to do is fill yourself with positive thoughts and those with illnesses should focus on getting better.”

Source: “Zona – Pokrećem samoisceljenje”, 2007 January

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