Posts tagged ‘teaching’

August 10, 2012

Sex is absolutely important for brain functioning

Sex is extremely important for brain functioning. I can say that it is the exact reason why the concept is much more appealing to human than animals, where such actions are mostly for reproduction functionalities. Hormones that activate during sexual relation are like food for the brain. I talked about three different areas out of which every one is important for a happy and successful life. Barely anyone manages to align that well with his partner, to have everything in one package.

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August 10, 2012

I have charisma, that is for sure

Ruben Papian - Imam harizmu to je izvesno

Ruben Papian, man that deals with death. He claims that his strength comes not from paranormal possibilities but rather his knowledge about human beings: ”Core of my work is an answer on the question how does a world you can’t touch function? To follow that path you have to be normal. A lot of people following this path went insane, some count that God has nothing to do but watch them, others deformed their minds and went into arrogance and superiority… Some went into the direction of fame and money.”

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August 10, 2012

Healer and esoteric Ruben Papian

We live in social slavery

He researched the human mind, emotions, shapes and colors that resonate with us, dreams and even made special devices that help him in diagnostics. He works as a mystic, performs magically and very confident. I present to you, because of ethics that should be a friend of all – esotericist!

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July 24, 2012

Everyone can learn – power of healing and self-healing

This famous esoteric and psychology expert from Armenia is teaching his students how to gain control over every situation, on what way to use their energy potentials all the while disabling any chance of negative effects for them and those they work with. Greatest strength is in knowledge and organization and you can study both on Rubens Institute with the slogan – “do it yourself”!

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