March 14, 2016

Mental Geography

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When I say “shape your own future” – it sounds like the future belongs to you in equal measure as the past and present do. However, before this statement comes into play you need to “take a peak” into your own feelings.

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February 12, 2016

What is “Oleess”?


It seems like everyone who is familiar with this band asks this question. What is Oleess anyway? Somehow it sounds familiar, already listened. Is it a name of a country or maybe some technology? Continue reading

December 25, 2015

Turn on your Parallel Consciousness!


In this series of articles we will present the “SFERA” system by Ruben Papian and publish specific exercises for self-help.

Ruben Papian is the founder of center “SFERA” and self-help method by the same name developed further from the “mental correction and communication” method. It’s use is, first and foremost, dedicated to changing oneself, to adjust to the new age and new world.

– The goal is to be operative, optimized so that our systems are better at adjusting to changes, to prevent eventual fallout. So that, for example, something as banal as stress doesn’t carve up the whole system into pieces. “SFERA” as a system lifts and optimizes different layers of people. We are talking about physiological, emotional, psychical and mental plan.

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December 3, 2015

From Time Machine to the Portal to Other Worldss

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World traveler and extrasense Ruben Papian formed a special place in Belgrade filled with extraordinary constructs made by his own design – constructs that allow people to achieve optimization and improvement of their consciousness.

Ruben Papian used to work as an extrasense for former government of SSSR. Since then, he traveled a long way, constantly changing and improving his work. He can be found everywhere a bit: Serbia, USA, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Russia, Netherlands, but mostly in Belgrade where he formed his own center “SFERA”. “SFERA” emerged from the ongoing development of “mental correction and communication” method by Ruben Papian himself.

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September 14, 2015

Oblikujte sopstevenu budućnost!

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Kada kažem „Oblikujte sopstvenu budućnost” – to zvuči kao da vam budućnost pripada podjednako kao što vam pripadaju prošlost i sadašnjost. Međutim, pre ove konstatacije trebalo bi da „zavirite” i u svoja osećanja. Jer, kada se govori o budućnosti, može izgledati kao da je ona nešto što ne možemo shvatiti, osetiti, niti možemo posedovati.

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June 17, 2015

Šta je “Oleess”?


Čini mi se da ovo pitanje postavlja svako kome je ovaj bend poznat. U suštini, šta je Oleess? Nekako, kao da je poznato, da je slušano. Da li je to neka zemlja, ili možda neka tehnologija?

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June 27, 2013

How to wish

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Ruben Papian, founder of the school for spiritual development “Sfera”, which exists since 1993 in Belgrade, Serbia. Inventor of the special pyramid and other famous inventions, esotericist, thinker and rhetorician, author of the book How to Wish about the purpose of life and peoples need to pull maximum from themselves.
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March 19, 2013

People are slaves to their emotions

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Ruben Papian, the Armenian who has completed three faculties (architecture, medicine and philosophy) and speaks six languages​​, tells us: What is sold to us in the name of love is nothing but trash, poison, commitments, meaningless emotions, empty words …
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January 29, 2013

Ruben Papian about the future of humanity

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Ruben Papian cannot be categorized in just one human term, but let us say that these are the closest: intuitive healer, connoisseur of the future, erudite, philosopher, humanist, fantastic spokesman and the star of esotery, that recently answered the readers calls of Ona Magazine, after the previous article “Mankind has reached puberty”, to continue with unriddling the puzzles of the near and far future. He is an Armenian, that because of his work or visits, now is in USA, tomorrow in Holland, Kazakhstan, Serbia… he finished three faculties (architecture, medicine, philosophy), fluid in six languages and recommends: The human will accomplish the most if it learns from itself.
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January 11, 2013

Music of the sphere or Spiritual “Sfera”

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The human consists of all kinds of parameters: physical feelings, emotions, mind and others. Each of those parameters should be brought to spiritual perfection, and after that, the human should learn how to make all of those parameters work with each other in  harmony. And that is a great result. The human – is a small Universe.

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December 25, 2012

Mankind has reached puberty

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Ruben Papian is an Armenian who lives in the Netherlands and Serbia, and who is called for help by financial magnates from America to Kazakhstan, Hollywood stars, political leaders who find themselves in a dead end… Who is this man? What does he do? He is an intuitive healer. Creator of metaphysical system and designer of power structures. Interlocutor from the distant future. Reader of cosmic software and a connoisseur of a machine called human being, who will lead us from point A to point B in this interview, from hopelessness to health and happiness, using the shortest and quickest route. Buckle up, away we go.

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December 25, 2012

Uključite Paralelnu svest!


Ruben Papian je osnivač centra „Sfera“ i istoimene metode, razvijene iz „mentalne korekcije i komunikacije“. Metoda služi prvenstveno – menjanju nas samih, da bismo se prilagodili novom dobu i novom svetu.

-Cilj je biti operativan, optimizovan tako da se naš sistem lakše prilagođava promenama, da ne bi došlo do njegovog raspada. Da, recimo, banalna stvar poput stresa ne bi rasparčala sistem na delove. „Sfera“ kao sistem podiže, optimizuje različite slojeve čoveka. Tu su fiziloški, emocionalni, psihički i mentalni plan.

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November 27, 2012

Od vremenske mašine do portala u druge svetove

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Svetski putnik i ekstrasens Ruben Papian osnovao je u Beogradu centar u kojem se nalaze konstrukcije napravljene po njegovim nacrtima, a kojima se postiže optimizacija i usvršavanje svesti.

Nekada je Ruben Papian radio kao ekstrasens za Vladu SSSR. Od tada je prešao dug put, neprekidno se menjajući i unapređivajući ono što radi. Svuda je pomalo: Srbija, SAD, Kazahstan, Jermenija, Holandija, a ponajviše je u Beogradu, gde je osnovao svoj centar “Sfera”. “Sfera” se razvila iz metode “mentalne korekcije i komunikacije” i njeno “sedište” trenutno je na Zvezdari.

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November 22, 2012

True happiness

Every human wants to be happy. All our hopes are directed toward the state of everlasting happiness. However, the perfect state of everlasting happiness is the privilege of gods and the insane ones.
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September 10, 2012

In the sphere of spirituality

In order to meet yourself, you should move step by step towards that meeting. “Sfera” is a school where classes are held and where teachers show certain exercises. Classes are held once a week and in every class a new exercise is being done. Only thing a man needs to do is – practice. Exercises are different and they make people develop and grow. In many schools people practise certain exercises, not for a day, not for a week, but for a year, two or ten years, often a whole lifetime. That tells us that the exercise is not being done properly. “Sfera” is a dynamic development, constant change. After a week the teacher gives a new excercise and then you practice it. And that’s it.  Continue reading

September 9, 2012

Time to clean the planet

Esotericist and healer, Armenian Ruben Papian, who was here last time two decades ago, some people in Slovenia recognize for his contributions in work with bio energies, the mental world and researching mankind. He is an advisor to several companies in Europe and the U.S., a researcher of the human brain, dreams and emotions. He researches shapes and colors that affect us and he is the creator of tools for detecting new talents. He looks mystical, almost magical, and very confident.
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September 8, 2012

In Almaty, you can learn to be a superman

In Almaty the first school for extrasensory sciences is opened in which, as its founder claims, people from Kazakhstan can discover their abilities and can be taught the ways of healing numerous illnesses. In truth the first students will end their learning process three years after this point when, finally, we will see if extrasensory sciences can indeed be learned and passed from a mentor to students.
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September 7, 2012

Ruben Papian – Esotericist

He was 26 years old when he became an extrasense of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of USSR. He trained selected managers of oil company Shell in negotiations area. The unusual biography of this 46 year old Armenian from Yerevan left one Hollywood director wanting to make a movie about him, and he just came back from Los Angeles with a very interesting experience from the movie industry world.

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August 21, 2012

Papian’s Pyramid

“Devil from hell” teaches us how to wish correctly

Rumors are spreading around Almaty that the devil himself arrived in town, through recommendation prime ministers, ministers and crowned people from many countries are responding. He even brought a gift to Kazakhs, a pyramid that can make all their wishes come true. In order for us to make them reality, we need to know only one secret. The hidden secret of the creator of the pyramid we will gladly tell to the readers of “MK in Kazakhstan”.
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August 21, 2012

Extra-sense from Holland Ruben Papian made a wonder Pyramid in Almaty

The idea for a brand.

The pyramid in this yard is small, only 16 m2, but its intensity is such that it has a beneficial effect on those who are within a radius of a mile and a half from it – responds the author of the project. -The influence of people, in comparison to the influence of the machine, is very small. That’s why they don’t affect each other when they are sitting together in the pyramid.
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August 15, 2012

Adolescence of Mankind

There will be no ending of the world, but difficult times are upon us. There will be catastrophes and climate changes. Another things that might surprise you is that there will come to even bigger emancipation of women. Look, they are already so strong, smart and confident! Personally, I don’t see anything wrong with that, but it’s sad that men are loosing their own position – says Ruben Papian, esotericist.
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August 14, 2012

Exclusively – Ruben Papian

– Do we know who we are? What we want or don’t want?

Some among us know. Ruben Papian, esoteric, famous across the globe, definitely knows. Together we will try to fill in the true picture of the world and the man since the dawn of time to the current crisis. If your fears, worries and suspicions lessen at least a bit after our interview – then we succeeded!
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August 10, 2012

Extrasense Ruben Papian: The matriarchy is coming

Extrasense Ruben Papian promises that 2012 won’t be the end of the world. But people are in for a surprise : there comes a time of Matriarchy and women will rule the world. That is an opinion of a man who, himself, is different in the eyes of the public. Some consider him to be sent from God, others that he is allied with the devil.

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August 10, 2012

Ruben Papian. The verge of freedom

“People need me”, he said – “I am not striving toward false modesty, as some sort of complex denial, I am saying it like it really is – they need me, I don’t need them.”

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August 10, 2012

Ruben Papian: Feeling of freedom depends on the size of the bars

Extrasense, parapsychologist and esotericist from Serbia, Ruben Papian created a method for personality development that can be learned in his schools. Now you can do so in Kazakhstan where the doors to your supernatural abilities are opened as well. Ruben says that everyone is naturally gifted but not everyone can take the key to his or her abilities. He did just that. He does treatments without medications and is “in deal with destiny”. Today our interlocutor gives away facts about worldly system and future of  mankind.

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August 10, 2012

Ruben Papian: Miracle workers may wear suits

To interview Ruben Papian is like interrogating a secret agent. It is not clear how to present him: occupation, specialty and title – all remains a mystery. Speaking about his profession, Ruben explains: “My profession – is life”. On the question: “What exactly are you doing?” – he responds: “Not even my wife knows that.” At the end of the discussion a key word appeared: wizard. That term fits Ruben more than anything…
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August 10, 2012

Be the director of your own life!

Last year in December in Almaty a new school of spiritual development was opened by the name “Sfera” – it was founded by psychologist and energy therapist Ruben Papian. For almost twenty years his school is working in Serbia and now it’s opened in Kazakhstan as well. Everyone can be trained in it and… Start fresh. Today, Ruben answers the questions that are most commonly asked by his students.
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August 10, 2012

All that will be tomorrow is an alternative for today

Ruben Papian is hard to categorize.  He’s a healer, teacher, founder of the Institute Ruben Papian, economist, personal adviser and a mystic.

-You do not intend to die?

-Quite the opposite. I can not wait. (He raised his voice) To miss the greatest mystery of life, which we call death? Absolutely not. Certainly I do not understand the historical human primitive religious idea that you have to fear death in order to live. And that as long as you live, you will be a slave to social systems. You were born to work. There are so-called tax systems in our lives. We have to pay to live. We always owe something to someone. To do something, to write, to love…

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August 10, 2012

Sex is absolutely important for brain functioning

Sex is extremely important for brain functioning. I can say that it is the exact reason why the concept is much more appealing to human than animals, where such actions are mostly for reproduction functionalities. Hormones that activate during sexual relation are like food for the brain. I talked about three different areas out of which every one is important for a happy and successful life. Barely anyone manages to align that well with his partner, to have everything in one package.

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August 10, 2012

I have charisma, that is for sure

Ruben Papian - Imam harizmu to je izvesno

Ruben Papian, man that deals with death. He claims that his strength comes not from paranormal possibilities but rather his knowledge about human beings: ”Core of my work is an answer on the question how does a world you can’t touch function? To follow that path you have to be normal. A lot of people following this path went insane, some count that God has nothing to do but watch them, others deformed their minds and went into arrogance and superiority… Some went into the direction of fame and money.”

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August 10, 2012

Miraculous teas by miracle maker from Armenia

This is not an ad, this is your salvation! Worldly renowned healer, miracle maker from Armenia, mister Ruben Papian made receipts for very efficient and healthy teas from medical plants grown on Serbian mountains. Thousands experienced his impeccable healing powers and many are yet to believe in everything these teas that he gifted to the broad population can do. Why are these teas miraculous? You will find out in the story that follows.

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August 10, 2012

Healer and esoteric Ruben Papian

We live in social slavery

He researched the human mind, emotions, shapes and colors that resonate with us, dreams and even made special devices that help him in diagnostics. He works as a mystic, performs magically and very confident. I present to you, because of ethics that should be a friend of all – esotericist!
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August 10, 2012

Possessing information – owns the world

Today it’s hard to impress anyone with anything. Me included. That’s probably why a man, who’s interview I will show you right now, did not only impress me – he simply shocked me, but that was in a vital way and I felt very calm. Our guest is Ruben Papian – famous researcher of human brain, expert in parapsychology and esotericism, who helps hundreds of people worldwide. Take your time before you turn the page – you haven’t met a man like this before.
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August 10, 2012

Miracles do still exist

In Belgrade he gets carried around like a king; his magic, paranormal powers are being admired, but also feared. Over fifteen years ago Ruben already helped Russian leaders when they were on a lockdown mentally as well as physically. He is also the genius behind the sensational masterpiece that will soon be raised in Haarlemmermeer. An enormous pyramid that will flood visitors with strong enlightened energy. ‘ I am considered as a kind of Rasputin? Haha, you can call me that if you want. When I was a little boy people sometimes talked about ‘that small Rasputin’ and pointed at me…’
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August 10, 2012

Healing with energy

Ruben comes from an old and prominent family whose origin dates back to tsar Papa in seventh century. He lives in Holland but he can very often be seen in Serbia. He studied architecture, fine arts, economics and medicine and he combined all that knowledge with his natural gift in the area of parapsychology. His qualities made him eligible an counselor of famous politicians and worldly economists.
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August 10, 2012

Ruben Papian – parapsychological coach

People & Ideas
Program for increasing personal effectiveness: what is it?
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August 10, 2012

How to reprogram disease and other problems?

-Ruben, how does a parapsychologist work?

-Human mind caries within himself a colossal number of information (in this moment, the brain in each of us gets information about millions of processes that are happening in the world, but the consciousness doesn’t register all of that so that the panic doesn’t precipitate in a human). If only even a part of information for the brain is destructive, problems start – with health, in a family, at work, in relations. I, as a parapsychologist (but more as a para-scientist) own the possibility to literally go into the human’s mind, “adjust to his frequencies” and clean it from a destroying information.
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August 10, 2012

Ruben Papian – More than a doctor

Famous researcher of human brain, expert in esotericism and parapsychology, man who can and wants to help people. You will agree that people like him are very hard to come by today. We are very glad we found one. We suggest you to pay attention to the conversation with Ruben Papian, after which it will be easier for you to live, because you will make sure, like I did, that it’s possible for people to be saved. Even then when they don’t believe it themselves.
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August 10, 2012

Ruben Papian – Miracle maker that solves unsolvable problems and saves human lives

“I am one crazy guy who makes deals with death”

Extreme stability of personality, deep dark eyes, strong energy that he emits and catchy smile are first impressions of our reporter about Ruben Papian, mage well known world wide, born 38 years ago in Armenia. With his family today he lives in Amsterdam, but his home is, as he claims, the whole world, because he spends more time in airplains and on roadtrips than at home.
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August 10, 2012

It’s not fog, it’s white mage

With practical implementation of thoughts action on functions in “human’s head”, many diseases and disorders can be healed, and it also stimulates the intellect.
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August 10, 2012

One of the world’s biggest parapsychologists

He heals and teaches others how to heal themselves
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August 10, 2012

Armenian Merlin in Belgrade

Born in Armenia as descendant of Armenian tsar Papa in an appreciated family of intellectuals. He studied architecture, medicine and psychology, he paints, sings, plays several instruments, speaks five languages and but what he is the most famous for is esoteric work that he dedicated more than two decades of his life to. We present you Ruben Papian.

He says that his profession is wise man. He reminds us that in ancient times wise men were right next to kings, like Merlin next to king Arthur, “not because the king is stupid or ignorant, but because he is alone and in his thoughts he can lose orientation and focus.”

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August 10, 2012

I – Ruben Papian

Read these pages and try to ask yourself the question, “What may be the preface for this article?” Who can speak of a man better than himself? Despite full concentration on nonstandard thoughts and actions, it is difficult to present a personality with any rigorous mathematical definition. This is the case when the information should be taken at once – bottoms up. The main thing is – do not choke on it.
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August 10, 2012

Salvation in keeping quiet and silence

“I have perfected this method during ten years of studying and practice. So much that I can now teach others too, depending on their abilities. It’s all about mental effect I make on the patient, which puts his brain back into balance and that way organism gets back into balance too. Because, everybody’s brain works in the same way and it’s the center of everything. Specificity of this method is regulation of the processes inside the organism without rushing them or slowing them down, and their harmonization.”

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August 10, 2012

Someone you trust

On question how did he begin to enhance and upgrade esoteric science he said : “In my adolescence period I was enchanted with it and I had a contact with one alternative healer that helped me gain access to literature that fitted my methods of work. In time everything was clear to me and the list of people I could help became longer and longer with each passing day.
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August 10, 2012

I have the power to start the process of self-healing!

It is interesting how the pyramid works on mental processes: after a séance it is easier to think clearly, make decisions faster, negative thoughts are gone and instead of them you are filled with quality waves of thinking. Those who tested the Pyramid were amazed and are not missing their treatments. Under the Pyramid all you have to do is fill yourself with positive thoughts and those witl illnesses should focus on getting better.”
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August 10, 2012

Thought healing and Mental correction

Ruben doesn’t call the therapy healing, but MENTAL CORRECTION. Patient closes his eyes and relaxes. HEALER WORKS WITH HIS POWER OF THOUGHTS, without touching or hand waving, ONLY WITH THOUGHTS. Some patients experience nausea or dizziness.
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August 10, 2012

A problem in the system

– No sickness is accidental. Let’s take an ugly  nose as an example. For a time a person is satisfied with its nose and lives life normally. But when that person starts to have a dislike to the ugly nose then it becomes an illness that needs to be removed to return the person in its satisfying state.
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August 10, 2012

Mental correction of health

“I started with cleansing head aches of my friends and went all the way to removing large tumors. I helped people with weight problems, chronic alcoholics and smokers. The most basic thing is for a person that comes to me to be sure what he wants to achieve and to be clear with him about it. Of course I would never slur official medicine and methods.”
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August 9, 2012

The ultimate weapon

Some people think that paranormal abilities are a fraud while others believe that sometimes those who have them have it all. Some people believe that it’s a gift from God while others believe it’s secret knowledge from ancient times that is available only to few chosen ones. Ruben Papian is an esotericist with special ability to control energy flows outside and inside of human beings. He claims that the explanation of these phenomena is not that important as what they can give to people.
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