Salvation in keeping quiet and silence

“I have perfected this method during ten years of studying and practice. So much that I can now teach others too, depending on their abilities. It’s all about mental effect I make on the patient, which puts his brain back into balance and that way organism gets back into balance too. Because, everybody’s brain works in the same way and it’s the center of everything. Specificity of this method is regulation of the processes inside the organism without rushing them or slowing them down, and their harmonization.”

Alternative medicine is becoming trendy

Salvation in keeping quiet and silence

Unusual method of “mental correction and communication” for putting thoughts in order that is being applied by Armenian Ruben Papian, aroused great interest lately after opening of his agency in “Sava” center.

Around ten people of different age and gender, and one little girl, came for a treatment to Mr. Ruben Papian in agency under the same name based in “Sava” center. Previously every one of them told us how did they feel between two treatments. Healing starts and the first requirement is complete silence. Everybody who took part in it closed their eyes. But our reporter team watched carefully.

Mr. Papain, very focused, walked around roundtable, behind their backs and sometimes stoped for a short while. He didn’t touch anybody, he didn’t talk. It seemed like nothing was happening, but… It all lasted for a few minutes, patients opened their eyes and treatment was over. And they’ll come again. Who are these people and who is Ruben Papian?

Everything except AIDS/HIV

People came because of different health problems. Overweight, smoking and alcoholism, high blood pressure, diabetes, headaches, asthma, rheumatism and many others. It’s the second group of patients this morning, and everybody comes for help to Ruben Papian who applies completely new and absolutely authentical method of alternative healing in his agency. He named it “method of mental correction and communication”.

Ruben Papian is Armenian and in the past he worked in Moscow, Geneva, Ljubljana… He moved to Belgrade a year ago. Recently he opened an agency together with gallery owner Zoran Ramovic and actor Tihomir Arsic.

Ruben Papian knows Serbian language very well, but talks about his activities only as much as he think is necessary. The rest is classified as “trade secret”. Still, he is opening a school for those who want to learn his method so they could help themselves or someone they love. The school will start very soon and everybody interested will be able to begin their education there, while the gifted ones will probably go even further.

Head is in charge

We wanted to know what this method consists of, because Ruben doesn’t want to use word “healing” when it comes to it.

“I have perfected this method during ten years of studying and practice. So much that I can now teach others too, depending on their abilities. It’s all about mental effect I make on the patient, which puts his brain back into balance and that way organism gets back into balance too. Because, everybody’s brain works in the same way and it’s the center of everything. Specificity of this method is regulation of the processes inside the organism without rushing them or slowing them down, and their harmonization.”

Soon as we saw a treatment by ourselves (and usually seven treatments are necessary) and it seemed very non-aggressive and common to us, we are surprised to hear that patients complain how they experienced some unusual symptoms: sleepiness, headaches, tinnitus, smaller appetite…

“Side effects are not unusual. A human can get a headache even after a game of chess. Still, those side effects don’t necessarily occur, but it’s better when they do. It’s a sign that everything is working just as it should be. And patients are also very unpatient and they want results right away.”

“I came here because I’m overweight and I suffer from high blood pressure”, told us one of Ruben Papian’s patients, lawyer by profession. “My blood pressure stabilized already, and I didn’t even have to go on a diet, I only had to stop eating between my meals. I lost 9kg. It all happened very quickly. I used to drink 10 to 15 coffees a day, and now I drink only two. I have no desire for it anymore. I want to lose few kilograms more, and that’s why I’m still here.”

Second patient, administrative employee at the theater, says:

“I’m one of his first patients. I had big problems with my spine and joints. Now I got so much better that I am afraid to admit that I wake up in the morning with no aches. It’s unbelievable to me that it all vanished. I stopped smoking and drinking alcohol. I drank a few drinks when “Red Star” won a match, but I didn’t quite enjoy it. I just lost the desire for it.”

It can do you no harm

Representatives of conventional medicine are also interested in the work of this agency. One of them is physician Dr Ljubomir Popovic.

“Few of us will keep track of Ruben Papian’s work and after a while we will announce our conclusions”, he says. “What matters is that his work doesn’t do any harm to people and that the importance of this therapy is also in prevention. Besides, conventional medicine seeks for material proof, and that’s the main difference between conventional and alternative treatments. The only indicator we have in the alternative are patients and their conditions. And if they feel better, then they find material proofs of it less important. The result is what matters. We are reserved toward anything that can’t be materially proved, which, for example, isn’t that important on East. I personally support all sort of alternatives if they can help people. I’m planning on trying this by myself. The point of my participation is to see if it helps or not.”

Time will tell and experts will conclude. For now, the curious and inpatient patients can go through another alternative adventure and see if it helps. Still, it all has it’s price.

One treatment costs 800 dinars, and a series of seven treatments is usually necessary for patients to feel the change. When we asked Mr. Papian if he guarantees for his work, he told us:

“It’s interesting that I worked so much in so many countries and yet only Serbs ask for a guarantee. I never guarantee because everything depends on the patient and his possibilities. I can help more to some people and less to others. And sometimes I can’t do anything. But in my line of work, I do not heal, I help people to heal themselves.”

We asked him if he ever got sick and if he can help himself.

“I never got too sick, and if I did, I’d ask for doctor’s assistance. I have a positive and fair relation to medicine as a science.”

We heard a rumor that this agency is planning on doing public treatments in large halls and in the presence of TV cameras. Beside that, there will be a free treatment for refugees that will take place in large hall of “Sava” center.

Source: “Spas u ćutanju i tišini”, 1992

Find out more about Ruben Papian:
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