Music of the sphere or Spiritual “Sfera”

2012-12-Muzika sfera header

The human consists of all kinds of parameters: physical feelings, emotions, mind and others. Each of those parameters should be brought to spiritual perfection, and after that, the human should learn how to make all of those parameters work with each other in  harmony. And that is a great result. The human – is a small Universe.

Now when, thanks to God, the end of the world has passed, it is the right time to form a thought: “After 21st December 2012 came the end of the darkness and the era of Light followed”. Not the Light that is too bright, blinding and around us, but the one that is quiet, soothing and it’s within us. By all odds, the people shine like individuals. And some will testify, at least one of them, because not everyone is lucky. If the meeting with the Light goes like that, know this: “Human is the Universe, he is arranged like the Universe. And to really understand how Universe and the human himself are arranged, he needs to learn. For you to meet yourself, you need to go, step by step, to that meeting”, – one of the Light people is convinced in this, a man by the name Ruben.

“SFERA helps you to rich your goals and helps in recognizing, feeling those that are not yours”

The man of the future Ruben Papian – esotericist from Holland, extrasense of  world rank, para-scientist, specializing in subjects such as metaphysics, parapsychology. His basic profesion Ruben Papian calls – life. Works in Europe and USA, speaks 5 languages fluently. He is the Man of the World. He has healed thousands of seriously ill people from different parts of this planet. At the end of last year, Ruben Papian came to Almaty for a couple of weeks and agreed to be interviewed for our newspaper.

-Ruben, you are the founder of a school called “Sfera”. What is its base?

-It is my own methodology of personal development – a system of exercises for harmonic development of the human, and development in accordance with the laws of the Universe.

-Fantastic. We have a reason to congratulate ourselves. Can you explain: what is “Sfera” – religion, teaching?

-Neither of those. “Sfera” – it is the path that leads a human to meet his own spirituality. By the fact that such a meeting exist, I am absolutely convinced that there are no non-spiritual people. Spirituality is the integral part of a human that always existed in him.

-People say, that in the Pyramid you invented, wishes can be realized. Won’t the humanity burden itself with the consequences of fulfillment of the bad wishes?

-I will explain. Now there are two Pyramids: one is in Belgrade, and the other one is in your city. My Pyramid – it is just a type of instrument that works in all diapasons of a human; it adjusts to everyone and in the same time affects everyone. Pyramid increases specific chosen frequencies, stimulates our immune system to work properly. To wish something in the Pyramid is possible. But, the wishes won’t come true before the human reveals the Secret: how to wish in order for it to come true. The human can reveal the Secret when he rises on such spiritual level when there are no unreachable wishes. So, the humanity can be peaceful.

2012-12-Muzika sfera Ruben

-There, exactly! What do we need to do in order to meet the Secret?

-With the teacher’s help in the School, series of exercises are being done. The human starts with the exercises for reaching the physical harmony and ends with the exercise that will bring him to his spiritual freedom. The students, by their wish, go from one level to another, and every next level is harder and more interesting. Every exercise is a step up, the new strength, personal result and connection with the next step.

-Ruben, what do you imply by “personal result”?

-The human consists of all kinds of parameters: physical feelings, emotions, mind and others. Each of those parameters should be brought to spiritual perfection, and after that, the human should learn how to make all of those parameters work with each other in a harmony. And that is a great result. The human – is a small Universe. And, if it is organically formed in every human, then it is possible to talk about the harmony of the Universe. Imagine an orchestra of one hundred instruments. The quality of the music we are listening will depend of every instrument and every musician. If every musician is in the harmony with his instrument, and he is a the master in his performance, we will listen to glorious music. But, it is so easy to spoil it! It is enough just for one instrument to play a false note – and that’s it: instead of enjoying the music, we will automatically focus on the false note… It is defeating how only one instrument can spoil the music and take with it the whole system, in the wrong direction. You imagined that kind of orchestra?

-Yes, the orchestra! I imagined the complete level of responsibility of every single human…

-Exactly! The human – it is the orchestra with all of its instruments. Physical harmony is one instrument, emotional is the other… Every instrument has to play perfectly and in the harmony with the others. Only then, we will listen to the music that we call Spirituality. And here, Spirituality – it is not the instrument, but the state…

-Music of the sphere…

-… or “Sfera”. In order for every human to reach the harmony, I have made the path that I named “Sfera”. Going up that road, the human is studying, on different levels, how to play different instruments in his own orchestra, and therefor he gives the chance to every other musician to accomplish harmonic Spirituality.

“I have learned how to understand myself. I have learned to control my emotions”

Source: “Ваш Дом – Музыка сфер или Духовность “Сферы”, 2012 December, Kazakhstan

Find out more about Ruben Papian:
Educational websites:

2 Comments to “Music of the sphere or Spiritual “Sfera””

  1. Molim Vas da mi omogućite kontakt sa gospodinom Rubenom Papijanom. Ja sam astrolog.

    • Poštovana Tatjana,

      adresa centra “SFERA” Rubena Papiana je Murmanska 10b, Zvezdara, Beograd. Možete se javiti i na brojeve telefona:
      063/726-00-78 ili 011/382-22-02 svakog radnog dana od 12-20h.

      U centru SFERA se organizuju brojni kursevi i predavanja, uvek ste dobrodošli.

      Sradačan pozdrav!

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