Ruben Papian – More than a doctor

Famous researcher of human brain, expert in esotericism and parapsychology, man who can and wants to help people. You will agree that people like him are very hard to come by today. We are very glad we found one. We suggest you to pay attention to the conversation with Ruben Papian, after which it will be easier for you to live, because you will make sure, like I did, that it’s possible for people to be saved. Even then when they don’t believe it themselves.

Human brain contains amazing amount of information (in every moment brain of every one of us receives information about million processes that are happening in the world, but consciousness doesn’t register all of that so mankind wouldn’t start to panic). Even when only a part of information turns out in our brain as something destructive, problems begin – with health, with family, work, relationships.

I as parapsychologist (rather as parascientist) posses  the ability of literally entering human brain, of “adjusting to his frequency” and releasing him from destructive information.

But I have a moral codex of not entering someone else’s head unless they ask me to. If they do, I begin a treatment, I diagnose. If I discover an organic disease, after seven treatments already healing process begins – it shouldn’t be faster because the organ couldn’t keep up with that stress. In the healing process I use methods of energy therapy or I directly effect the damaged organ.

If there is no disease, but it all simply goes wrong in one’s life, one treatment is enough in order to make information balance, after which patients life improves very quickly.

People come to me with all sorts of problems, some even so serious that it’s almost impossible to help them. I am talking about conditions right before death. From time to time I fly all over the world and I literally save people.

Around three weeks ago a man who suffered from cancer came to me for an examination in Belgrade. He was a 60-years-old man and it was scary even to look at him: his face was the color of a yellow brick, even his eyes were getting yellow, while his body color was normal. That patient went through chemotherapy that gave no positive results before he came to me. It was visible that his organism still didn’t work and that sad outcome was around the corner. I started treating him. After 30 minutes, in his eyes and on his face white dots started appearing through the yellow, his eyes started getting whiter. On the second day his cousins called and said that yellow reduced up to 50%. Today the skin of that patient is normal again and his liver recovered. But the most important part is that the symptoms of cancer retrieved. It was a hard, untypical case and I am very glad it ended like that.

That week in Belgrade I examined 46 people, 13-14 of them came for treatments, 5-6 of those had cancer and I did brain re-programing to them. Beside that I held few lectures every day. Did that dense schedule make me tired? No. The fact that I did my job successfully delighted me enough for me to forget about physical tiredness.

They brought me a teenager in July, 13-14-year-old, completely healthy, but with huge lack of concentration, focus and a big memory problem. They were only gesticulating with the doctors. After three months of my treatments, his memory recovered up to 70%-80%.

Recently I worked on a woman that had a diagnose of large myoma on the uterus. For people who are not experts, it’s important to note that a myoma acts strangely – after treating it can grow smaller, but during menstrual cycle it can get big again. So, a myoma is a war between me and the organism of the patient. But the worst part is, I always win.

I remembered another case from before. 4 years ago they brought me a 5-year-old boy that acted very strangely. After the examination I told his parents:

-Now I will ask you a weird question, but do not be surprised. Did your child ever tell you that he feels like an old man?

-He did.

-Around 70 years.

-Yes, doctors said it’s some kind of mental disorder.

But it wasn’t a mental disorder. Simply the brain of 5-year-old child was receiving the signals of an old man by a mistake. I fixed the situation quickly, because our brain is like a radio: you just adjust it a little and murmurs suddenly disappear.

Am I always convinced in positive results? No. That doesn’t depend on me – a system of a human that I am working with at the moment plays a big part in it. But I am always self-confident. And I always give my best.

Some autobiographical data:

Ruben Papian was born on 6th June 1962. He started examining other realities very early.

1982 – he accidentally met a man who was waving his hands over someone. He was an extrasense. That’s where vertiginous process of self-educating and esotericism began.

1988 – he became an extrasense of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow

1990 – he flew to Yugoslavia where first publication about him appeared after which real “rubenomaina” began – parapsychologist Ruben Papian received from 150 to 200 people a day.

1994 – he moved to Holland where he started working with SHELL and got involved in big projects – worth from 50 millions to half a billion dollars.

2005 – Center Ruben Papian in Belgrade transformed to Institute of esotericsm and parapsychology. Staff was employed and research work is being done with Ruben Papian method.

2008 – Ruben Papian moved to Los Angeles

Source: “Екатерина Алексеева – Рубен Папян – Больше, чем врач”, 2008

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